Friday, January 05, 2007

Japan's longest shopping street

It is also known as Tenjinbashi-Suji shopping district. It is confusing to me as it seems to me to be a roofed-over backlane behind two rows of shophouses back-to-back, something like Bugis Junction in Singapore.

We were to discover that there are many such shopping districts in Osaka and Tokyo and I am sure in the other cities.

Tenjinbashi-Suji is about 2.6 km long. Up one side and down the other coming back is as long as a full 18-hole round of golf. A good walk spoilt. But certainly great shopping!

Besides the pedestrians, there were cyclists and all sorts of wheeled cycles or whatever they are called, like the bicycle with 2 front wheels! No motor vehicles though. And baskets front and rear for groceries, pets and tiny tots.

The last two photos above could be from another shopping district. If you recognise the street, please let me know through a comment. Thank you.

Another thing about bicycles, or rather cyclists in Japan. I think they are the Best Cyclists in the World. They do not ring bells coming up behind you and scare you that way. They do not cycle at high speed and risk a serious accident with pedestrians. In fact, they do not have accidents with pedestrians at all. And they do not ride two or more abreast. Cyclists of the world should come and learn from Japanese cyclists, I say.

Please click here to continue on Japan trip.


Sue said...

I so liked your site, it is professional and goodlooking and tempts me to visit Japan one day.
I suspect by your comment on my site that you may not have liked mine..though

hokysushi said...

Susie, I found your blogsite topic very interesting. And I commented to that effect, I think.

Sue said...

sorry, I got you wrong,
I love the latest photos, they are so colourful and happy looking, it is so drab over here in England, everything is black and grey
I think I will start wearing red and try and start a trend.

London, Mediterranean Cruise + Milan

London 1/22 ...................................Rome, Italy 10/22 ...........................Ephesus, Turkey 14/22
Barcelona, Italy 6/22 ....................Amalfi Coast, Italy 11/22 ...............Athens, Greece 15/22
Provence, France 8/22 ..................Mykonos, Greece 12/22 .................Venice, Italy 16/22
Cinque Terra, Italy 9/22 ...............Istanbul, Turkey 13/22 ..................Milan, Italy 19/22


Day 1 ....... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... 5 ...... 6 ...... 7 ..... 8 ...... 9


Day 1 .....2 .....3 ....4 ....5 ....6 ....7 ....8 ....9 ......10 ....11 ....12


Day 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ..... 4 ..... 5 ..... 6 ..... 7 ...... 8


Day 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ..... 4 ..... 5 ..... 6 ..... 7 ..... 8


Day1 ...... 2 ..... 3 ...... 4 ..... 5 ...... 6 ..... 7 ..... 8


Day 1 ..... 2 .... 3 .... 4 .... 5 .... 6 ..... 7 ..... 8


Day 1 ...... 2...... 3 ...... 4 ....... 5 ....6 ....7 ...8